
Week 12: My Last Week Of Graduate School

Wow, this is my last week of school!

I have been in school for the past 21 years of my life. From pre-school until now, what a long road it has been. I have these incredible nerves racing through me because I am about to embark on a new adventure; adulthood. Some people define adulthood as the day you turn 18 or maybe even 21, or maybe when you get your first "real" job. Some people define it as the moment where you become completely self-sufficient. I have done all of those things and yet there still has been a part of me that feels like I wasn't quite yet an "adult". I define being an adult for me as, finally completing my formal education!! Whoa!

I wanted to take some time to reflect on my education (in and out of the classroom) as a whole and think back to those significant moments along the way.

I apologize for making this appear like I am receiving a Grammy. I just thought what better time than now to really think back and thank those educators who have inspired me, pushed me, redirected me, and encouraged me. There were some significant moments that have changed my life along my road and I am so blessed to have had these individuals be a part of my grand story. If it was not for these folks below, I would not be where I am today.

Jesus Christ
Anthony Miller, my dad
Sherrill Miller, my mom
Chris, Joel, & Kelley, my siblings
my extended family & friends
Central Christian Church
Mr. Rimer, Principal of Greenfield Elementary
Ms. Bentz, 6th grade teacher at Greenfield Elementary
Lou & Shelia Carlucci, basketball coaches 1st - 6th grade
Mrs. Biggs, 7th/8th grade Student Council teacher
Coach Phil Culotta, high school lacrosse coach
Lori Burr, discipleship leader
Gilbert High School Lady Tigers Lacrosse (03-05)
Mr. Salce, Vice- Principal of Gilbert High School
Ms. Seely, 9-12 grade Student Council teacher
Ms. Sumner, 9-12 grade science teacher/ Student Council teacher
Ms. Bell, 11th grade marketing class
Jeff & Dierdre Morhet, business mentor, boss, family friend
Jessica Livingston, owner of Desert StiX Lacrosse
Camp Cayuga staff
Leadership Scholarship Program (class of 05)
Arizona Girls Lacrosse Association, board & coaches
Kelly Ramella, ASU professor of Therapeutic Recreation
Adam Lehe, ASU professor of Sports Management
Russ Olson, owner of Great Western Lacrosse
Monsoon Lacrosse team (08-09)
Corona Del Sol Lacrosse team (07-09)
Curtis Robb, mentor from Richmond veteran's hospital Hospital
Kristen Lessig, mentor from Richmond Sportable
Mark Schreiber, Tiffin University women's lacrosse coach
Wildfire Lacrosse, Monsoon team (2010-11)
Dr. Bonnie Tiell, professor at Tiffin University
Jon Graef, mentor at Tacoma-Pierce County Sports Commission

For those who have not been mentioned but who have made an impact, I thank you as well!

Thank you to Tiffin University for providing me this opportunity to complete my Masters of Business Administration. I will forever be a Tiffin Dragon! :)

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